Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome to "He Said, She Said" from Jeff

Lately I’ve been pretty quiet and to myself. Well, my wife and daughter too! And of course my work place. But what I mean is to myself in other ways than the natural ways; to myself in reflection and seeking God and His plans for us. With all the turmoil happening currently in the natural world, I think there are a number of people that are seeking Him more now than ever. But for some time, I’ve been really wanting a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God and have been frustrated in not getting there quicker. I mean, I know that He’s omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; that He’s Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, that He has countless names that encompass everything that you could ever want or need, He Is. I also know that He has a unique purpose and perfect plan for our lives that He desires for us to fulfill, that in His infinite wisdom speaks to us mere people to fulfill His plan for the world. And so I want to tune in better for that message that He’s speaking to me specifically and to be that conduit that He would choose to use. Not for personal gain or glorification, but to be a part of His plan strategically placed for this time; to fulfill the calling and purpose He has for me in this world.

Just recently, Tracy came to me and asked what I thought about doing a joint blog. A “He Said, She Said” type of commentary. I thought about it for a bit. You know, we both like to study and share the Word with others, and it’d be a good way to share if anyone desires to listen. And if not, the most important One is listening – God Himself. And He’s interested. He cares that the Words He speaks to us can be spoken through us to minister to another and glorify Him in the process. See, to be a conduit, you are carrying something from one place to another. In this case, the Word God speaks through us, to others. So I decided to join her and see what God will reveal through the process. And so this column will focus on our discoveries and interpretations of God’s Word from a man and a woman’s perspective; from a husband and a wife’s perspective; from a father and a mother’s perspective. We hope you enjoy what you find here and it ministers to you as much as we believe God will minister to us as we develop this commentary.

Welcome to "He Said, She Said" from Tracy

Thank you so much for joining us here at “He Said, She Said.” I am thrilled to be doing this team blog with my husband, Jeff. We all know husbands and wives, men and women, fathers and mothers, often have different perspectives of the same thing. And if we are humble enough to listen to the other perspective, we often times learn something. This blog was created with that in mind.

We both love reading, studying and sharing God’s Word, and we often learn from each other. Our objective is to each write a post about a specific topic, verse, or character, and share our thoughts and insights individually. We’ve taught together before and find it exciting to see how God ties things together. There is something really powerful about a husband and wife teaming together in ministry. We hope that this blog touches many people and that it serves as a tool to always point others to Jesus.

We are still working out the details for how this blog will look and the format in which we will publish our posts. The most likely scenario is that we will each publish a post once a week, with one of us posting on one day and the other posting the following day. We appreciate your patience while we work it all out. There are so many wonderful blogs out there, and we wish to offer you a very sincere thank you for reading this. Blessings!