Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Old Has Gone, The New Has Come

The thing I love about New Years Day every year is the opportunity it offers us to have a fresh start, a new beginning, a do-over. I’m not really into resolutions, because let’s face it, they rarely last. But I am into reflection, and I try to take the opportunity to reflect on the past year, and my own role in it, and ruminate on the next year. It’s also a great time to review my foundation.

It’s good to take time to focus in on what I’ve done, for good or for bad, and make a determination to try to grow as a person, to ensure that by this time next year I’m further along in my journey. What goals do I want to accomplish (maybe the first is to actually set goals!) and what will I do to accomplish them? What relationships do I want to invest more into? How can I prioritize my time and my money, to ensure that I maximize both of them and minimalize the needless waste of either of them?

With the current state of the world, I think a lot of people were happy to say goodbye to 2008. And there is hope yet for 2009. Many people are placing their hope on January 20th, inauguration day for President-Elect Obama. And I’m not talking about American’s only. I’ve heard on the news recently that many nations are looking to him to solve their problems and save their country. Obviously, there are many problems with this.

There is only one Man who can be a Savior to the world – and it’s not Barack Obama! Jesus is the One who gives us a fresh start, a new beginning, a do-over. When we come to Him with a repentant heart, He forgives us and takes us lovingly into his family. He offers us love when we are unlovable, peace in turbulent times, comfort when we are hurting, and rest when we are weary.

It is impossible to predict what will unfold in 2009. Indicators, economists and even common sense, tell us that there are no quick fixes to the economic storm that is raging right now. And while it is good to be aware of the times and what ‘professionals’ think about it, I don’t put my faith in them. I put my faith in Jesus. After all, He has calmed a storm before, and He can certainly do it again!

The beginning of a new year really is an opportune time to review and the foundation that my life is built upon. Is it strong, firm and unshakeable? Or is it weak, cracked and sinking? If my foundation is firm, if Jesus is within me, then I need not fear the storm. After all, greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4) and through Him we are more than conquerors (Rom. 8:37)!

So this year, I resolve to ensure that my foundation grows stronger, not weaker. I resolve to not take my eyes off my Lord and focus on the waves. I resolve to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might (Eph. 6:10). Would you join me?

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.” ~ Matt. 7:24-27


nitewrit said...


I share your resolution. I will pray you uphold it; will you pray I do as well?

Larry E.

KM Wilsher said...

Much like the sermon at the Church meeting this morning. Thank you for such a poetic way to look back and to look forward.
Many, many blessings for me in 2008. If my life ended here, I'd be grateful for all the patience and grace and provisions He has bestowed.
Thank you for the great post!

Lori Laws said...


"Greater is He that is in me, then he who is the world." I've been saying that truth more than a few times these past couple days. Your post, along with Jeff's, remind me to keep my eyes on Jesus and not on the waves. Thanks for the reminder. God bless!

Julie Arduini said...

You can see the hand of God over this blog, it is a breath of fresh air. I needed your words about focus and foundation, and I sense as I watch the news as you say, people are looking for a rescue and salvation from a man. So thankful for a Savior who is in control of all.

Keep up the awesome writing, both of you!

Today's Christian Mom~ said...